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Mr. Clean Eras­er cleans black cray­on off the lam­i­nate floor perfectly!

[I just found this in the DRAFTS fold­er. Oops. I’ll update with photos.

Mama and Mabel hopped on an air­plane to vis­it Uncle Steve, Uncle Matt & Aunt Steph, along with cousins Grant, Clark and Natal­ie. And we had fun! On the flight out, Mabel enjoyed lay­ing on the floor with dol­lie and tak­ing a “nap” (any­time she lays hor­i­zon­tal, she calls it a nap). 

Once we arrived, Clark had put a won­der­ful note on our door, to wel­come us. Appar­ent­ly he could­n’t find the tape, so there is now a note per­ma­nent­ly glued to Grant’s bed­room door. 🙂

We played with lots of new toys and danced a lot — Clark’s favorite! Natal­ie and Mabel had a fun time at the park. Mabel learned to climb the lad­der all by her­self and loved the slide! 

Mabel has enjoyed draw­ing a lot late­ly, but she’s just found what­ev­er mama or dad­dy left lay­ing around—usually pens and pen­cils. How­ev­er, at Aunt Stephanie’s house, Natal­ie was very kind and shared her crayons with Mabel. It was then that mama real­ized just how much Mabel likes to draw! She is hap­py to do so for an hour at a time, say­ing “new” when she wants a new cray­on or a new piece of paper. 

Mama absolute­ly loves two things that Dad­dy does. 1. Teach Mabel new words/games 2. Get Mabel dressed. These are my very favorite things that Dad­dy does. Today, it was new words…which turned into a new song! Could it get any better??

At the co-op today, we found a new wool hat for Mabel today. It was just too cute to pass up. Mabel sport­ed it all around the co-op, much to the plea­sure of all the patrons and employ­ees. She has been wear­ing it *all* day at home. She’ll take it off peri­od­i­cal­ly, then I see her run­ning around in it. It’s been so much fun to see her express her per­son­al­i­ty. Here is a video doing so.