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Ummm, out of des­per­a­tion to alle­vi­ate guilt, I won’t both­er look­ing at the last time I made a post. 😀 This one will have to do as a “catch-up.” Mama is busy doing school every night, plus the new call­ing that will take me to mutu­al every Wednes­day evening. And yet, it’s near­ly Mid­night and I want­ed to “catch-up” with a few pho­tos of our baby girl.

She talks and talks…I can’t get enough of it. Mabel con­tin­ues to be that sweet girl that amazes every­one. She is so kind, gen­tle and peace­ful. She just glows with a spir­it of hap­pi­ness. We think she was sent to us to show us the right way to live. HAHAH. She is tru­ly our lit­tle angel. What a joy!

Mabel’s new bee: 

Rid­ing the bee: 

Walk­ing with Daddy: 

It has hap­pened. She became a tod­dler. And, quite lit­er­al­ly, overnight! Exact­ly three weeks after her one-year birth­day, she just looked different–bigger, less baby-ish. Then, this past Sun­day, it began…the fuss­ing, get­ting into every­thing she could find, etc. To make a more mem­o­rable post, I took lots of pic­tures. 😀 [click on each pho­to to see a close-up]

Mama has been try­ing to ven­ture out of the house more dur­ing the win­ter, so we don’t get cab­in fever. Along with that comes the need to tote Mabel’s lunch with us, along with Mama’s home­made trav­el high chair. Mabel seems to enjoy sit­ting in her “big” chair. 🙂

Mabel climbed up on her favorite toy, the ottoman, and pro­ceed­ed to bounce and “sing.” Of course, I kept film­ing in hopes she’d do her bum-drop, but no such luck. At least, not until right after I turned off the cam­era. HA!