Ummm, out of desperation to alleviate guilt, I won’t bother looking at the last time I made a post. 😀 This one will have to do as a “catch-up.” Mama is busy doing school every night, plus the new calling that will take me to mutual every Wednesday evening. And yet, it’s nearly Midnight and I wanted to “catch-up” with a few photos of our baby girl.
She talks and talks…I can’t get enough of it. Mabel continues to be that sweet girl that amazes everyone. She is so kind, gentle and peaceful. She just glows with a spirit of happiness. We think she was sent to us to show us the right way to live. HAHAH. She is truly our little angel. What a joy!
- Mama resting with Mabel (and dollie, of course!)
- Look! A new chair—just my size!
- Ooh…my new boots are just like Mama’s! 🙂
- Let’s see how they work outside…
- Mama’s new lipstick from Aveda…to replace the one Mabel found the this morning and colored her belly with it.
- How do I look, mama?? (Mama made the dress)
- So, the cheek is better than the belly, right? (Mama: why, oh WHY did I let her hold the bag in the car???)
- This photo was taken *immediately* after Lexie nailed her on the heat with that drum stick. HAHAHH.
- Thanks for the card, Grandma & Grandpa!!
- Ooh, if I say “treat!” I get candy?? Let’s go!
- Mabel with her friend, Elizabeth (who is 6 months younger)
- Oooh…play-dough!! “pi‑o!” as said by Mabel 🙂
- I love mama
- Do you like my jammies? (Daddy was still at work…we took a photo to say good-night to daddy)