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We’re so glad you made it to earth. Can’t wait to meet you!

Anoth­er thrift store score (three-ani­mal puz­zle train) that Mabel loves. Here she is dis­cov­er­ing how wheels work. Dad­dy caught it all on video.

Mama scored this jumper for only $15 at the local chil­dren’s thrift­store. Mabel seemed to like enough, but had­n’t yet fig­ured out the jump­ing part (she most­ly liked to chew on the ropes). How­ev­er, Mama turned around and caught her bounc­ing and smil­ing so proud.

Mabel is eat­ing solids each night for din­ner, and when Mama has the ener­gy, for break­fast as well. She still eats every­thing she’s giv­en and absolute­ly loves to drink water out of her cup. She is sim­ply gid­dy when she sees her cup pre­sent­ed in front of her. 

She some­times rolls con­tin­u­ous­ly, but always appears sur­prised at her accom­plish­ment. Sit­ting up does­n’t seem to be her pri­or­i­ty, but she can sit for about 10–15 sec­onds at a time. She much prefers her bel­ly and play­ing with her toys. Though no teeth, she con­tin­u­ous­ly chews what­ev­er she can reach—including Dad­dy’s hands. 

She attempts to crawl, and then gig­gles with pride. Most­ly, she slides back­wards, but she seems to get clos­er each day. She can def­i­nite­ly pull her­self across the floor with finesse–especially when a toy is tempting. 

Dad­dy likes to make fun­ny nois­es with his mouth…Mabel cheers him on! These are the nois­es that Abue­lo likes to make, so we’re prepar­ing Mabel for Abuelo’s next visit.