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Now, when Mabel wants to be bounced, she sticks her arms straight out to the sides, then “mmm­m­m­mm!!!” until you start to bounce. She obe­di­ent­ly bends her legs when you say “boun­cy, bouncy.”

Mabel is play­ing with her exer­saucer and show­ing off all the fan­cy noise she can make with her mouth.

Mabel dis­cov­ered she can put toys in her mouth…and then hold onto them with her gums. Such joy for a near-7-month-old!

Mama man­aged to score an exer­saucer on Craig’s List for $30…then pro­ceed to douse it in vine­gar and chlo­rine to be sure it was com­plete­ly dis­in­fect­ed. Mabel decid­ed to make it hers by puk­ing on it in the first five sec­onds of being in it. Heh. Any­way, she loves it and has fig­ured out how to turn in cir­cles. She talks to her­self con­stant­ly while there…perhaps she’s talk­ing to the char­ac­ters. Only she knows.

[click on each pho­to to enlarge]