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I’ve noticed a few times Mabel has wok­en up from her nap cry­ing, which usu­al­ly means that she is still tired and wants to be rocked back to sleep (usu­al­ly just two min­utes or so). How­ev­er, for the last few days, the oth­er parts that keep the “usu­al­ly” from “always” have been a wet dia­per! Yep, if she’s wet, she lets me know!!

I hope this means easy pot­ty learning… 😉

I can’t believe that five months ago this very morn­ing I was hav­ing pan­ic attacks about the near­ing induc­tion. Heh. I’m still hav­ing pan­ic attacks! 😉

Mabel is a sweet­heart and it some­times breaks my heart to see how much she has grown already. And yet…I don’t think I could live through it all again, either. HA. It is fun to watch her now roll her­self over to a toy she wants. She is very sweet and patient. She’ll lay hap­pi­ly in her crib, whilst let­ting us know she ready to get up in the morn­ing (some­time between 5:45 and 6:30 am, usu­al­ly). At night, she goes right to bed with­out a fuss—as long as I don’t miss her win­dow of fatigue. She sim­ply loves, loves, loves her baths. I can’t wait to take her swim­ming, I just know she’ll love it! Mabel loves noises…absolutely any­thing that squeaks, grunts, crin­kles or rat­tles. Mama spends lots of time enter­tain­ing with mouth-made nois­es and has recent­ly dis­cov­ered that Mabel will become very excit­ed when any­one whistles!

She is the great­est bless­ing to us and we are so grate­ful to the very many peo­ple are were a part of her cre­ation and who are now a part of her life. Thank you.

If you click on each pho­to, you can see them enlarged.

It’s been an adven­ture­some week for Mabel. She’s been sleep­ing all through the night and had fan­tas­tic sleep (bed by 6pm, wake for 5am feed­ing). Her nap sched­ule has been good, with three naps at about 2 hours each, with ~1 1/2 wake time in-between. She bathes each night in prepa­ra­tion for bed­time. She still loves, loves, loves her bath.

This week (Fri­day after­noon), she squealed for the first time. Sim­ply adorable. David and I both laughed out loud, it was so cute. She’s learned to roll from her back to her bel­ly now. Some­times she does it while Mama is out of the room, then gets tired on her bel­ly and calls until Mama comes running.

In the morn­ings (when she’s well-rest­ed), she wakes up and talks to her­self in the crib until Dad­dy goes to play with her. As long as she has had good sleep, she is a very, very hap­py baby.

Cur­rent­ly, she’s lay­ing on her blan­ket try­ing to show off to Dad­dy how she can roll over. Dad­dy is so proud. 😉

Oh—and she won’t let go of Sophie, her bestest friend. 😉