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Mabel did this awe­some string of laughs…her first time ever!! I had to run to the get the cam­era, by which time, of course, she fal­tered. I did man­age to get one lit­tle gig­gle on cam­era, though. Fun times with Dad­dy in the bathtub. 🙂

Hooray! Mabel hit the 12 lb mark—on the nose. We’re so proud! To cel­e­brate, Mama put togeth­er a lit­tle chart to see how she mea­sures up to Mama and Dad­dy. Thus far, her height match­es Mama’s exact­ly, inch for inch, since birth. As for weight…that’s anoth­er sto­ry!! (Click on chart to make it larger).

I took Mabel for a lit­tle walk in her stroller today, but she always squints when the sun is even close to her, despite the new car seat I got her–just for the canopy fea­ture! Today, she dis­cov­ered [acci­den­tal­ly, I’m sure] that she can hold a blan­ket in front of her face, to block the sun. Ahhh, anoth­er inher­it­ed trait from daddy!