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Mama’s favorite day of the year has always been when the pri­ma­ry chil­dren sing. They make me so hap­py with their sweet hap­pi­ness. I prob­a­bly cried all through Mabel’s first pri­ma­ry presentation. 🙂

We had a fun Father’s Day, spoil­ing Dad­dy from wake-up time to bed­time. He got new socks, choco­lates, break­fast, a room full of bal­loons, FHE all about how awe­some dad­dies are, a car wash coupon, spe­cial draw­ings from Mabel, an iTunes gift card, a bracelet, a ring, among lots of hugs and kisses. 😉

David’s favorite gifts were the Father’s Day Pri­ma­ry pre­sen­ta­tion and her descrip­tion of why she loves her daddy.

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Okay, tech­ni­cal­ly it was the dress rehearsal, but the actu­al per­for­mance is on our Sab­bath Day, so we made this the “offi­cial” cel­e­bra­tion. Uncle Greg and Aunt Melin­da were kind enough to come and watch with their kids, as well. Despite the sound sys­tem fail­ures, Mabel loved it and has been wear­ing her leo­tard ever since!

I’m Late, I’m Late!

April Show­ers

Mabel’s been ask­ing for many months (11!!!) to ride the trol­ley. Since Mr. Shultz gave Mabel the sweet book, “May­belle the Cable Car,” it’s been her most impor­tant desire! Final­ly we made the ride, and her lev­el of intrigue was intense.

Taking it all in.

Tak­ing it all in.

It only took 18 years, but mama did it!! And, in cel­e­bra­tion, it was nec­es­sary to do a road trip. Because Uncle Greg and Aunt Melin­da were in Ger­many, and their kids were vis­it­ing Grand­ma and Grand­pa, we took their van on the road trip…and it’s prob­a­bly the *only* thing that allowed us to sur­vive. But, the mem­o­ries are won­der­ful and we’re excit­ed that we were able to enjoy such a great time.