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- Taping Grandpa’s mouth shut (Nov. 2013 visit)
- Grandpa carrying Mabel to the parade (July 2013 reunion)
- Watching golf with Grandpa (Nov. 2013 visit)
- Listening to stories from Grandpa (Nov. 2013 visit)
- Artwork with Grandpa (Nov. 2013 visit)
- Watching Baseball with Grandpa (July 2013 reunion)
- Watching Baseball with Grandpa (July 2013 reunion)
- Stories and swinging with Grandpa (Nov. 2013 visit)
Mama finds great joy in Mabel doing art. I have memories of my mom letting me do all sorts of “artwork” at home, in the yard, in school, etc. Mainly, just allowing me to explore and do what I called “experiments”—though, my memories are actually doing so with food. Go figure. 😉
It’s wonderful to see that Mabel is so happy drawing and painting. Her current level is also the ability to trace (draw over) whatever Daddy has drawn, be it a pig, bird, or a letter, or straight lines. She just enjoys her hand to the paper.
Lately, she’s been asking for Abuela to come and paint with her. As a fair deal, I’m posting some artwork here to share with Abuela. I particularly love the the two illustrations, along with these paintings. Her paintings are her experiments with color mixing. The illustrations are the first that I can recall that she’s drawn a body. I was with her as she drew, and my heart swelled watching her carefully draw the arms and their little circle hands. The last drawing is the first time she’s ever drawn a sad “baby” (what she calls a smiley-face), with tears and all (the small circles under the eyes). The jagged-lines (repeated “m“s) are actually her signature. She signs some of her artwork, as she should.
Click on each image for a LARGE version.