Mabel Meets San Francisco

It seems like it’s been for­ev­er since we last updat­ed this blog. Oh wait! That’s because it has been forever. 

It is the end of August and much has hap­pened in the last two months. We are now liv­ing in a small apart­ment in San Fran­cis­co. We have debat­ed for some time if it is 600 sq. ft. or 800 sq. ft. – regard­less, it feels like an over­sized clos­et with a kitchen. But that has­n’t slowed Mabel down one bit.

Mabel shops at H&M

Mama was try­ing to find new clothes for the 100º weath­er at Aunt Melin­da and Uncle Greg’s house. I turn around to see that Mabel was busy assem­bling her own style wardrobe…


Oh, To Be Three Again

This week­end has been par­tic­u­lar­ly crazy for us. In our insane quest to move to San Fran­cis­co next month, we have start­ed sell­ing some of our fur­ni­ture, includ­ing the sofa set we got when we first moved to Min­neapo­lis. It is dif­fi­cult to know how all of this change and “uncer­tain­ty” will affect Mabel’s behav­ior (she was a bit con­fused about why we were shar­ing our sofa with our friends) – so in an attempt to give her some com­fort, I decid­ed to give her a lit­tle home of her own. She seems to like it, as she has pro­ceed­ed to put many of her more impor­tant toys in it. Oh that we could be three again and be per­fect­ly con­tent liv­ing in card­board box­es with our most prized pos­ses­sions at our sides.


It seems like we have done a real­ly poor job of post­ing on here late­ly. I’m guess­ing a lot of it has to do with being in school, mov­ing to a new place, find­ing a new job, and plan­ning a new move to San Fran­cis­co. Crazy times! Need­less to say, we have many pho­tos that need to be put up here but that will require some time to sit and sort through them first. In the mean­time, some quick updates: 

Mabel’s art

Mama finds great joy in Mabel doing art. I have mem­o­ries of my mom let­ting me do all sorts of “art­work” at home, in the yard, in school, etc. Main­ly, just allow­ing me to explore and do what I called “experiments”—though, my mem­o­ries are actu­al­ly doing so with food. Go figure. 😉

It’s won­der­ful to see that Mabel is so hap­py draw­ing and paint­ing. Her cur­rent lev­el is also the abil­i­ty to trace (draw over) what­ev­er Dad­dy has drawn, be it a pig, bird, or a let­ter, or straight lines. She just enjoys her hand to the paper.

Late­ly, she’s been ask­ing for Abuela to come and paint with her. As a fair deal, I’m post­ing some art­work here to share with Abuela. I par­tic­u­lar­ly love the the two illus­tra­tions, along with these paint­ings. Her paint­ings are her exper­i­ments with col­or mix­ing. The illus­tra­tions are the first that I can recall that she’s drawn a body. I was with her as she drew, and my heart swelled watch­ing her care­ful­ly draw the arms and their lit­tle cir­cle hands. The last draw­ing is the first time she’s ever drawn a sad “baby” (what she calls a smi­ley-face), with tears and all (the small cir­cles under the eyes). The jagged-lines (repeat­ed “m“s) are actu­al­ly her sig­na­ture. She signs some of her art­work, as she should.

Click on each image for a LARGE version.










