Posted on 3 February 2013 by: Daddy
Mabel Painting Like Abuela
The magÂic behind the scenes. 🙂
Posted on by: Mama
These picÂtures make me cry. I don’t know if its because she’s so grown up, or the sweet tenÂderÂness of her paintÂing to be by abueÂla’s. what a beauÂtiÂful memÂoÂry to have in photograph.
Posted on 18 January 2013 by: Mama
Mama didÂn’t realÂly cry, but I do miss her. It’s much hardÂer than I had thought, but I have such a peaceÂful feelÂing which is forÂtuÂnateÂly so much stronger! 🙂 But, away she is. After Mama hemmed her uniÂform (2 1/2 inchÂes) so she could at least wear it, she ran to show DadÂdy how she looked. The picÂtures repÂreÂsent her moments with dadÂdy before leavÂing for her first day of school.
I’ve already peeked at her and she was wearÂing the neckÂhole of her apron around her waist. HA. I’m sure her DirecÂtress helped her soon. A parÂent who was leavÂing told me that Mabel had put a stickÂer on her finÂger and announced it was a band-aid. Yes, that’s my daughter.
She will do wonÂderÂfulÂly in her new preschool, and I am so excitÂed to see how she grows. Even though I miss her.
[jourÂnal note] It was such a miracÂuÂlous blessÂing for us to have found this. Mabel gets to attend Hand-in-Hand ChrisÂtÂian MontesÂsori. We began with the FamÂiÂly Preschool on WednesÂday of each week, which Mama and Mabel get to attend togethÂer, with some sepÂaÂraÂtion time for her to do her work. As she will be 3 on SunÂday, she is of age to go to the ChilÂdren’s House, which is 2 or 3 days a week. No matÂter how much I wantÂed to regÂisÂter her, it just nevÂer felt right (which was hard for me). And then, as a mirÂaÂcle ensues, I received an email from the DirecÂtor that Mabel could attend one of the days (FriÂdays) and not the othÂer, as a split-tuition with anothÂer child who is attendÂing only on ThursÂday. It was such a blessÂing and I’m so grateÂful for it. And, here we are!
Posted on 6 January 2013 by: Mama
It’s been a while since I’ve made a note here for Mabel. Unfortunately,the old adage that the best camÂera you own is the one with you has come true. My phone has been out of comÂmisÂsion of a month now, so every phoÂto I *have* takÂen has been erased each time. *sigh* Although, I have a vague memÂoÂry of takÂing some with my point-and-shoot…I’ll have to upload those and see what I have! In the meanÂtime, here have been some fun moments this last month. The last month of my two year old. Wah!
Posted on 30 December 2012 by: Daddy
Was lisÂtenÂing to music on my comÂputÂer and stumÂbled across this audio recordÂing of Mabel tryÂing to underÂstand thunÂder for the first time. The conÂverÂsaÂtion quickÂly evolved to cookÂies (as all conÂverÂsaÂtions worth havÂing should). I love havÂing these conÂverÂsaÂtions with her – they’re so revealÂing of how she thinks and conÂnects things in her mind.
(RecordÂed on Nov. 2012)