Posted on 24 November 2012 by: Mama
Poor Mabel hasn’t been sleeping so well lately, and has in turn had a few impulsive misdirections. When gently being guided back to the task at hand, she will often ask “does mama love you?” It has called me to the attention what a sweet spirit she is and her immediate recognition that she has made a mistake. To realize her need to feel loved at these times helps me to realize as a parent that she is very, very aware of her emotional surroundings.
On another note…we went to the circus today. Daddy should be posting photos, soon. 🙂
Posted on 2 November 2012 by: Mama
We’ve posted a few sound clips and videos in the past of Mabel singing her songs, but until recently, I didn’t realize just how much she enjoys expressing herself through songs. Now, whenever she is awake when daddy gets home from work, she busts out in full chorus, “I’m so glad when Daddy comes home!” (the LDS primary song). Of course, David’s buttons are busting, he’s just so proud!
Earlier this week, we did a little FaceTime, and as soon as she saw him, she made up her *own* lyrics and tune to sign a song about how much she loved her daddy. As the week progressed, she sang a song about her quinoa (hot breakfast cereal) and her chipati (Indian-style tortillas). It’s just so funny to see her wheels turning as she shares her thoughts in words.
I think my favorite, thus far, was this afternoon…her dollies (“pink dollie” and “purple dollie”) have seen better days, and they are rather drool-stained. I ordered some basic, solid-colored fabric (pink and purple, of course) to sew “new pajamas.” She kept announcing all week to anyone who would listen that mama was sewing new pajamas. Today, as I finished her pink dollie and handed it to her, she wrapped her arms around her and began singing “Families can be Together Forever!” To me, it represented how much she loves her dollies and how much she appreciated my effort to keep her dollies pretty. It really warmed my heart.
On that note…for two Sundays in a row, Mabel has sung “Families Can be Together Forever!” in the middle of someone’s talk at church. HAH. It’s always as a result of looking at pictures in her nursery manual…whenever she sees a picture of a family, it’s what she sings. She really has such a tender heart.
Posted on 25 October 2012 by: Mama
I seem to be running into this phrase more and more lately, when it comes to being a parent. How the things that seem lenthty in routine or energy seem to suddenly be gone, without a moment of warning. It leaves the said-parent a little sad that those moments are gone, without a chance to say good-bye. Nearly three weeks ago, during a Sacrament meeting at Church, just Mabel and I were in attendance. She was quite fatigued and wanted me to hold her. It’s not uncommon for her to sit on my lap during church, with a firm grip on her dollie and two fingers in her mouth. But, this particular day, she wanted me to rock her, as I have each night since the day she was born. This continued for nearly the full hour of Sacrament meeting. During her nap, I relayed the story to David, with the added note, “I never know when she’ll be all done with me rocking her.” It was that night. During her night-routine, she suddenly declared that she wanted to sit in her “little chair” while mama sat in the rocking chair (by myself). It’s continued each nap and nightime routine since. I miss rocking that little girl, but i am so grateful I had that last moment.
My dear sweet Mabel has been a great sleeper for us (not without trying!) and sleeps so peacefully and soundly in her crib. David has always wanted to sneak into her room to peek at her, but consequently ends up waking her up sometimes. Nearly a week ago (last Saturday), David was able to sneak in there and see her, but fotunately also video her sweet self just as I know she sleeps (fingers in the mouth and a firm clasp on dollie). Again, it was the last. That was the last nap she took in her crib. The very next day, she climbed out of her crib, again. As I took pictures (and cried) of yet another loss of routine new growth opportunity for Mabel, I was so grateful that David had the last video of her sleeping so peacefully in that crib.
I miss my baby girl and it’s hard to see that she is growing up. And yet, I’ve been here every single moment of it. I am so grateful for the sacrifices and decisions that David and I have made for me to raise our daughter full-time. These moments are gone, but the memories are dear to me. And thank goodness for iPhones to capture them. 😉
Posted on 22 October 2012 by: Daddy
Mabel has an incredibly vivid and active imagination, so she will often surprise us with her funny interactions with toys. Her newest friend, Rody, is currently on loan from one of Rebecca’s friends. Mama figured that she would like to ‘test it out’ to see if Mabel would like the bouncy horse. Well…you tell us.
A New Friend from David & Rebecca on Vimeo.