Posted on 6 October 2012 by: Mama
I am fortunate to have a dear friend, Mandy, with whom I share a great deal of similarities in general life. Fortunately, our daughters are friends as well, so we get to hang out during the day, as well. At a late-afternoon park date, Mandy shared with me a wonderful article she had read about “hands-free mama” and one mother’s quest to put away technology and be a part of her children’s lives. Just, “be present.” I clicked over that night and was so touched by the simple “about me” page. It resonated deep into my soul, and I decided to put this into effort. I sent Mandy an email sharing with her the change of my day. (copied/pasted below for my memories).
Posted on 25 September 2012 by: Mama
• Having Mabel clap and cheer for you while yelling “Yay, mama, you did it!! You went pee-pee on the potty!” It’s so nice to be appreciated for the little things.
• Mabel stopping (randomly) what she’s doing to run over and plant a little pico (peck) somewhere (anywhere from knuckles to knee caps) before running back and resuming play where she left off.
• Having Daddy fall asleep on the job, sending Mabel to find mama who *should have been having* some nap time to herself. Usually announcing “Daddy fell asleep. Can you get up and play with me?” [sigh.]
• Having a husband who lets me escape most Saturdays to have a few hours to myself…and so much needed!
• Having limited Spanish…meaning that when I take too long to answer Mabel’s “¿como se dice…{fill in an english word}?” while I’m trying to think of the translation, she announces “we have to ask Daddy!”
• Wondering how “all” the other mamas seem to be doing it all, while I barely make it to 6:30 pm each day…
• Being amazed daily at the wonderful little spirit that blessed our home.
Posted on 17 September 2012 by: Daddy
Mabel loves to help — no matter what it is. Whenever mama or daddy are cleaning the house (yes, we clean the house sometimes), Mabel will immediately stop whatever she’s doing, grab her Mabel-sized broom and proceed to sweep our neatly gathered piles of dirt into oblivion.
I can fully attribute Mabel’s independence and eagerness to help to her mama. Here is a short video to show you what I mean:
Posted on 30 August 2012 by: Daddy
Mabel is always asking mama or daddy to drive the car. Daddy came up with a rule…“when Mabel can reach the pedals and see out the window, she can drive daddy’s car.” I said that to her once, and she has repeated it every since.
Yesterday we went to the fair with grandma and grandpa, and while there, we saw the cars. Well, she was far from reaching the ‘pedals,’ but boy did she turn that wheel!
I can honestly say I cannot remember her ever smiling this much in excitement before. It was awesome.
Driving Miss Daisy from David & Rebecca on Vimeo.