Some of Mabel’s Words

David was men­tion­ing this on Sun­day, 15 Jan­u­ary, 2017 … I found this in the DRAFTS folder.


ma-sah-meen = magazine
ami­nals = animals
fa-me-mee = family
peen-yo = piano
stick-bread = breadsticks

Mabel’s Dolly

If you know Rebec­ca, you know she has an odd fetish with sharp cor­ners. If you hand her a piece of paper, she imme­di­ate­ly (and unknow­ing­ly) folds it a cou­ple of times to cre­ate a sharp cor­ner, which she then pro­ceeds to test on her lip, nose and fin­gers. Pil­lows are also not immune to this quirk. She tells of a time when she used to walk around with a pil­low cor­ner stuck in her ear while she sucked her thumb. 

Well, if there’s ever any doubt Mabel is her lit­tle girl, I give you the fol­low­ing proof: 

Mabel’s Dol­ly from David & Rebec­ca on Vimeo.

Mabel vs. Phone

Most morn­ings when Mabel wakes up, she calls for us and we usu­al­ly stum­ble into her room, pick her up, and bring her right back to our bed – most­ly because we’re both in zom­bie-mode at that hour. Any­how, Mabel has dis­cov­ered that both mama and dad­dy are prac­ti­cal­ly dead at this time, so she pounces on dad­dy’s phone (which I typ­i­cal­ly keep next to the bed). 

Though the phone is locked, she can still access the cam­era from the login screen – so every morn­ing I have to go back in and remove 10 or 15 short movies like this one. Oh joy. 

Mabel vs. Phone from David & Rebec­ca on Vimeo.

Mabel’s activities

No mat­ter where I am, I am told how impres­sive Mabel’s talk­ing is. Not just her words, but her com­pre­hen­sion and ana­lyt­i­cal thoughts. I love to hear her sto­ries and thoughts…to get an insight into her mind. When she’s not talk­ing, she’s hav­ing fun in her own world. 🙂

Mabel gets dressed

Mabel has been dressing…or undress­ing, as the case may be, at dif­fer­ent times dur­ing the day. I’ve made her a wardrobe that requires very lit­tle help to put on, so she can do most of it her­self. Proud­ly, she has been to the store (more than once) with cloth­ing inside-out and back­wards. She gives lots of smiles and gig­gles to passer­bys, which caus­es them to stop and chat with her quite a bit.