Posted on 5 May 2012 by: Daddy
Daddy would have failed this test so miserably. We’ll have to try Mabel on this someday and see how she does.
Posted on 5 May 2012 by: Daddy
Daddy would have failed this test so miserably. We’ll have to try Mabel on this someday and see how she does.
Posted on 25 April 2012 by: Mama
Ah, yes. Mabel’s phrase she repeated over and over. Five minutes of egg hunt managed to override weeks of teaching about the atonement, crucifixion and resurrection. Just like her daddy <wink>. Actually, after each “amen” of a prayer, Mabel now announces, “Jesus is resurrected!” I guess something did sink in. Every once in a while, she also notes that she will be resurrected, and so will mama and daddy. <grin>
However, the photo moments are of her first Easter Egg hunt, in which mama had hidden little chocolates. She was really quite happy.
P.S. You can click on each photo to see an enlarged version
Posted on by: Mama
As I exclaimed to daddy my brilliant idea how to memorialize Mabel’s art works without having to follow any of the “oh-so-crafty” ideas I seem to read on the internet (photograph each piece to create a book; frame a new piece each week; place them in a binder; stick them in a drawer). Basically, all things I won’t do. I love seeing my artwork that I did as a child, but I actually have more fun seeing who I was when I did it. THUS, my brilliant idea: take a simple photo of Mabel with each of her art creations, then easily, er, dispose of the art work. Or send off in an envelope to grandma/pa and abuelo/a. That works, right?? 🙂
I really do love all of Mabel’s works, but for me, I much more enjoy her concentration and how she holds the pencils, paper, glue, etc. I’ll have to remember to photograph those things…in the meantime, here’s a picture of Mabel’s sheep she made at ECFE. (she used glue on a q‑tip, placed cotton balls, then used a black marker to draw. There WERE little sticky eyes, but Mabel pulled them off to adhere to her OWN eyes. If I hadn’t been driving at the time, I would have snapped a picture!!)