
Mabel sport­ing her new sun­glass­es in the car. Uh-oh.

Mabel Goes to Work

Won­der where she learned this from?

Bubbles and laughter

Dear Mabel loves to laugh…and loves mak­ing oth­ers laugh as well. Spon­ta­neous­ly, she began mak­ing bub­ble beards. We laughed so hard, she eager­ly performed. 

At the Park

We are so grate­ful for the unex­pect­ed warmth! Lots of ear­ly morn­ing park activities…aswell as our back­yard. Mabel finds such seren­i­ty in nature. It’s inspiring. 

Getting Dressed

Mabel put her shirt hat on all by her­self. She’s very proud. 

