la nieta de abuela

Mabel loves to paint. On this par­tic­u­lar day, she man­aged to paint most of her­self, as well. 🙂 I love to see her cre­ativ­i­ty and desire to explore. 

Happy Easter!

Hap­py East­er 2012


Mabel’s newest tal­ent is to out-jump Tío Frank — and do a lit­tle dance of joy in-between. 

Singing In the Morning

Mama loves to sing. She sings every day – all day long. Most of the time she does­n’t even real­ize she’s singing, so it was real­ly no sur­prise to hear this com­ing from down­stairs in the morning. 

Filling Big Shoes

Mabel loves try­ing on mama’s shoes – or any­one’s shoes for that matter.