Jamming with Daddy

Mabel LOVES two things at dad­dy’s office. 1) Bucky balls 2) dad­dy’s music

We try to vis­it dad­dy every two weeks. Though mama thinks dad­dy just likes to show off Mabel. 😉


Baking Pizza






We try to bake some­thing every week, at least. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, Fri­day night is piz­za night (home­made). At the time the dough needs to rest briefly, Mabel announced the dough was napping. 

I think her favorite part was adding the oregano.

Proud Mama

Tonight I was so proud because I actu­al­ly pre­pared a fun set of appe­tiz­ers for some friends. I con­coct­ed a fruit dip (whipped cream, sour cream mixed with home­made pineap­ple-hon­ey jam). That on top of actu­al­ly mak­ing empanadas, putting out match­ing dish­es for the first time since Mabel’s birth. 

Ummm…the friends for­got. So, unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly, I real­ized I could be hap­py for the free time, and do some see­ing. Which I did. 🙂

This new dress for Mabel beats the pants off my yum­my dip. 🙂 I am a proud mama. Thanks to my mama for teach­ing me to sew. 



Cutting the Rug

Mabel show­ing off her Lati­na her­itage with a lit­tle dancing…or hopping…or, well…you tell us what this is. Not entire­ly sure.

Looking Out The Window

Mabel loves songs and sto­ries, and she gets plen­ty of both at her week­ly out­ing with mama at ECFE (Ear­ly Child­hood and Fam­i­ly Edu­ca­tion). That’s where she learned this one.