Dear Mabel –

Today you lost your third tooth, your right top front tooth. You were eat­ing break­fast, and asked me to help you pull it out. You were ner­vous, but brave, and very proud. Then we retreat­ed to your bed to read two chap­ters of Bet­sy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill (we fin­ished the whole book lat­er today). Then you woke up your dad­dy to show him your new smile. 🙂

We had a fun day with you. We took our fam­i­ly pho­tos with Chesea Duer­den, fol­lowed by a fun morn­ing at the Acad­e­my of Sci­ences. We love that place. Poor Claude had a bloody tail, and we did­n’t find out what had hap­pened … we assumed the snap­ping tur­tle got to it. See­ing the scu­ba divers is always a favorite, and then we saw your favorite plan­e­tar­i­um show (Habi­tat Earth); by my cal­cu­la­tion, that’s the fourth time you’ve seen it. Today, I took a nap dur­ing it. 😉 Dad­dy may or may not have stayed awake … I was­n’t awake to notice. 

Then, of course, we walked over and had a yum­my NY style hot dog, fol­lowed by the amaz­ing ice cream at Twirl and Dip (how have we not made this a greater part of our rou­tine)! After doing our “we’re get­ting ice cream” dance along the side­walk, we retreat­ed to our bikes to ride home. After a nice “qui­et read­ing time” (dur­ing which Dad­dy fell asleep read­ing you “Fan­cy Nan­cy,” and you col­ored) you got to take the emp­ty plas­tic bot­tles to the gas sta­tion and trade it in for your $2.00.

Your sev­enth birth­day is in six days. Wow. It’s a real­ly big num­ber to me. I’m so grate­ful that both Dad­dy and I have made so many sac­ri­fices so that I’ve been able to be with you and teach you so much. We are so grate­ful for your edu­ca­tion and your lov­ing teach­ers. I’m so grate­ful you made me a mama — thank you.



Mabel Update

We have clear­ly slowed down mak­ing new posts on here so here’s a few pho­tos to catch us up a bit. Mabel is 6.5 yrs old right now. She has fin­ished her Kinder­garten years and is get­ting ready to go into 1st grade in two months. She has lost her very first tooth and the sec­ond one is well on its way to com­ing out as well. But above all, she remains the sweet, fun­ny, sharp lit­tle girl she’s always been. 

The Peanutcracker

Back in Decem­ber, when abuela and abue­lo were vis­it­ing, Mabel gra­cious­ly demon­strat­ed her mad dance skills.

Christmas 2015 with Abuelo y Abuela

This year for Christ­mas, Abue­lo and Abuela came to vis­it us from Hon­duras! It was so great to spend the hol­i­days with them and show them around San Fran­cis­co. Mabel enjoyed hav­ing them here and was quite sad when they went home. We had so much fun that we kept for­get­ting to take photos.

Feliz Navidad!

Today was Mabel’s school Christ­mas pro­gram and it was down­right fun. She’s been singing these songs (loud­ly) at home for the past cou­ple of weeks. Now I final­ly under­stand why (this was all a sur­prise for the parents).