Halloween 2015

Ear­li­er this year, after watch­ing the orig­i­nal Star Wars tril­o­gy, Mabel announced that she want­ed to be Darth Vad­er for Hal­loween, and that mama and dad­dy would be her sol­diers (aka storm troop­ers). We laughed it off, think­ing that by the time Hal­loween rolled around, she would’ve found some­thing else to pique her inter­est. Well, we gross­ly under­es­ti­mat­ed the pow­er of the dark side, because not only was she Darth Vad­er for Hal­loween, but she also went trick-or-treat­ing to the sound of The Impe­r­i­al March set to repeat. To top it off, mama added Tie fight­er wings to her ride and vio­la! A new Sith lord was born. I give you…Darth Mabel. 

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Mabel came home from school today with some of her work to proud­ly show us. It was all very fun, lots of draw­ings and cut paper art. But my favorite was her writing.


Mabel’s Lego Creations at Church Talent Show

Our church had a tal­ent show for the pri­ma­ry kids and Mabel took some of her Lego cre­ations to share with every­one. The video is not that great, but rest assured, she was immense­ly proud of her creations. 

Morning Songs

I usu­al­ly drop off Mabel at school most morn­ings. One day she start­ed singing and I thought I’d record it, so I asked her to sing it again. She did, but not with­out telling me to pay atten­tion this time. 

Catching up!

A series of images in no par­tic­u­lar order.