Fairy princesses need fuel too

Fairy princess­es run on choco­late-cov­ered marsh­mal­lows. (So does Daddy.) 

Washing the dishes

She loves wash­ing dish­es. (This is in our old apart­ment at Noe Val­ley in Nov. 2013)

Mabel rockin’ it at Legoland


We took a few days off to go to Carls­bad, CA (about 20 min­utes north of San Diego) to vis­it Legoland…and to watch beau­ti­ful sunsets. 


Mabel was Glen­da the Good Witch for Hal­loween last year. This year, she announced she wants to be “Darth Vad­er and mama and dad­dy can be my sol­diers.” Good to know where we fit in her mind.