Archive for April, 2021

We went to the Tulip Fes­ti­val at Thanks­giv­ing Point this week­end. It was real­ly fun­ny. Mabel pret­ty much thinks Aunt Stephanie is the fun­ni­est per­son she’s ever met, because she’s so seri­ous while say­ing such sassy things. 

It was a fun trip, con­sist­ing of Mabel’s first ever tater tots, Kona Ice, lots of “body flops” and a fam­i­ly por­trait of Sunskis. 

Sad­ly, they could­n’t all be togeth­er on stage, due to the pan­dem­ic, but they filmed and put it togeth­er. Despite it all, Mabel loved the opportunity.

Mabel has always liked “dress up clothes” and being on stage. When she was four, she did bal­let and tap lessons. When it was time to renew class, she only want­ed to do so “if she could be on stage.” So, we wait­ed until the sec­ond semes­ter, when she could be on stage. Clear­ly, there’s a dri­ve there!

Yes­ter­day were try-outs for the play, Annie, at which she gets to be an orphan. She’s REALLY excit­ed. That play will be in 7 weeks. Prob­a­bly on Flip­Grid, again, due to the pan­dem­ic still, sadly.