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Some­times it’s fun to sneak in and take a pho­to of Mabel. She is so peaceful.

Mabel’s got a few lit­tle bud­dies that she plays with week­ly. Eliz­a­beth is 6 months younger (Cheryl’s daugh­ter) and Lex­ie is 8 1/2 months old­er (Mandy’s daugh­ter). Both are pre­cious and Mabel loves play­ing with oth­er kids.

Mabel is play­ing on the learn­ing tow­er (at Lex­ie’s house). Mama is dying for Mabel to get a learn­ing tow­er. I’ve been to mul­ti­ple garage sales and stalked craig’s list. It’s the next thing on our pri­or­i­ty list. Mabel likes mama to hold her while bak­ing or cook­ing, so she can watch. The learn­ing tow­er will make life easier!

Mabel likes to use her wag­on to walk around the room. Some­times Dad­dy puts things in the wag­on, for a lit­tle scenery change. Mabel took a cue and decid­ed to put her­self in the wagon…all to put her­self taller, so she could pull every­thing off of Mama’s desk!

Mabel finds any­thing that will go around her neck…computer cables, tele­phone cords, etc. Yah, we know. Not child-safe. How­ev­er, she LOVES to wear neck­laces. Fun­ny, because Mama has only worn them a hand­ful of times. Obvi­ous­ly, this desire came “built-in”. She found my neck­laces around, and put them over her head. Cracks us up! [click on each pho­to for close-up]

Seri­ous­ly so sweet. Say­ing “Mama” isn’t even on the hori­zon. *sigh*