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Mama was so excit­ed to find this toy at the used toy store; Dad­dy has always talked of this being his very favorite toy when he was a tod­dler. We even have a pic­ture of him play­ing with it at the beach. It’s fun to see Mabel love it, too. And, we love the stage of Mabel “shar­ing” (okay, not real­ly, but play­ing back-forth). 🙂

How luck is Mabel?? Grand­ma came to vis­it us, again. And had *so* much fun!! Mabel has learned how to get into mama’s spice cabinet…and peel off all the labels. It makes lots of fun when mama is sniff­ing each spice try­ing to fig­ure out what they are!

he has *many* videos to post on the blog. Mama is in charge of stills, Dad­dy is in charge of video. So, Aunts & Uncles, Abue­los and Grand­par­ents. Start nag­ging David—maybe he’ll start post­ing all the videos of Mabel on the stairs, her new buck­ing-horse “crawl” and stand­ing up and clap­ping for herself.


Mabel real­izes that there is only one thing that can steal her Dad­dy away from her…his com­put­er! Here, she man­ages to climb onto his desk, to begin beat­ing on the mon­i­tor. Not sure if she want­ed to beat it into sub­mis­sion, or cri­tique his work.

Mabel inher­it­ed her “just-woke-up-Chi­nese-eyes” from Uncle Greg. Her rosy cheese are from the neg­a­tive tem­per­a­tures out­side. 😉 This is right after her nap, to send Dad­dy a pic­ture while he was in Boston.