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When I told Mabel that Uncle Steve was in the hos­pi­tal, she want­ed to send him a big hug! Here is her reac­tion when we say “soooo big!”

Late­ly, when Mabel sees our iPhone, she juts out her two bot­tom teethies and smiles away. She just knows she’s get­ting her pic­ture taken!

Sweet Cami was Mabel’s first babysit­ter when she was only a few months old. When Cami came home from col­lege for Christ­mas, Mabel was excit­ed to see her!

Adding to her long list of well-loved foods, Mabel has dis­cov­ered rasp­ber­ries. She prefers to cram her mouth full with them, then swal­low whole. A good rea­son to wear red every day.

Every time Mama has tak­en Mabel on a play date, she gets sick. It’s inevitable! We’ve kept low pro­file the last few weeks, and she’s final­ly feel­ing bet­ter. Of course, sto­ry-time at the library begins on Friday…any bets when she gets sick, again?