This kid loves the beach! Well, in reality, she loves anything where she can jump in and get dirty, so beach qualifies. Here, she convinced daddy to roll up his jeans and get in the freezing cold Pacific Ocean. As I filmed this, I couldn’t help but contemplate just how big she is, and how I wish time would slow down.
I don’t have specifics on how old she is here, but I’m guessing around 1.5, possibly 2. (Rebecca will know.) This video is one of our lost treasures that pop up here and there on old phones and such. Mabel still has this storytelling knack today. Fun times!
Mabel writes a lot. Poems, letters to friends, comic books, thank you cards. She likes to write. However, what makes me the happiest is her heart behind the letters. And that it got us a new apartment! After we saw an apartment we really liked, she decided to write the owner a letter, in hopes that he would choose us to rent it to. It worked. 🙂
Next, we received news that my Uncle Dale had passed away. This is Mabel’s grandpa’s nearest brother in age and friendship as a child. Mabel and I had gone to visit Uncle Dale a few weeks ago, when we learned about his cancer diagnosis which said he wouldn’t live too much longer. Mabel asked him a lot of questions about him and her grandpa, and all the things they did together. It was a fun trip and I’m glad we took it. Upon hearing the news about her great Uncle, she immediately wrote a note to her Great Aunt Linda (Uncle Dale’s wife) and her grandpa.
Whenever I finally log-into here, I regret that I don’t post more often! Nor do I have a photo from “twelve something” when this happened –
Last night, Mabel stood next to me while I slumbered and half-yelled, “mama, I need you!” in the same tone she’s been using since she was two years old, and I taught her thet phrase, so she wouldn’t stay awake all through nap time in a poopy diaper [rather, I help her and the she would go to sleep.**] I heard it at least once before I could force my eyes open. I asked what she needed and she said she was having a hard time sleeping, so I invited her next to me, and we cuddled while I rubbed her belly. I shared that when I have a hard time sleeping, it’s because I have stuck thoughts in my head, and invited her to share. She thought for a bit, then told me about a non-scary dream that wouldn’t stop playing in her head. I had her say out loud, ” …… isn’t real. Please stop telling me about it. I am done thinking about it.” because sometimes, our cognitive brain needs to hear us say it out loud, rather than an internal voice. It worked. As I carried her to her bed and thought, “when did she get so tall, that her head reaches mine?” I heard her say, “I’m sorry that I woke you up at twelve something in the night.” My reply, “that’s what mamas are for.” After a brief pause, she bowed her head so she could snuggle to my shoulder and firmly stated “I like that rule.”
**which reminds me. I once called her pediatrician and asked how to change her BM schedule so it wouldn’t happen during nap time. I still remember the tone of his voice … he was so impressed that I would consider how to do that and simultaneously disappointed that he didn’t know the answer!
Long before Master Yoda trained Skywalker, there was an even more powerful Jedi. One who’s power came from deep within, and whose unconquerable spirit would live through the ages. Her name…was Cross-eyed Jedi. Beware! The force is strong with this one.